Lent is upon us and such a great time to challenge my teens (and myself) to grow in holiness.
If you haven't noticed already, teens struggle with a wider variety of sins than they did pre-puberty. My teens are really challenged when the hormones are raging. (and so am I) Through the Lenten sacrifices of denying themselves "things" they are learning to resist temptation to sin.
It is refreshing to move beyond the simplistic sacrifices of the preteen years. This year, one of my teens is giving up his favorite computer game which he pays for monthly, another is stopping all junk food and my eldest is starting Lent with a 40 hour fast.
On top of this all, we do certain disciplines altogether. As a family some things we are doing is: praying the rosary daily, drinking only water after breakfast, and studying three obscure saint's lives each week.
If you are wondering how to challenge your teen during this days of Lent, you shouldn't have to look much further than their electronics. Each of mine are limiting themselves to 30 minutes total per day. So all text messaging, computer time, video games, and television have to fit into a 30 minute limit.
Will my teens perfectly keep these disciplines until we celebrate Christ's Resurrection from the dead on Easter Sunday? Of course not-we are all of a sinful nature and this is why Christ came and died for us. So each time you or your teen breaks your disciplines this Lent, remember your sinfulness and why we celebrate Christ's victory over it all!
Be merciful, oh Lord, for we have sinned!
I'm loving the idea of family sacrifices!