Included within the home school curriculum I use is a requirement for endless "Current Event Reports". From 6th grade on up, my students are required to give current event reports every other week.
As a conservative, Catholic parent I was wary of the various news publications available to the general public. For a while, I would purchase a news magazine and only allow my teen students to look at the articles I felt were not extremely swayed to the "left". As you can imagine, it was nearly impossible to find world or national news reports that weren't from a perspective that was contrary to my moral beliefs. Even our local paper (as conservative as it claims to be) was not a reliable source to use.
I wondered if EWTN had any sort of new articles in print....but no such luck.
Then, as if those silent prayers in my head were being heard (yea, God!), H.S.L.D.A. send out an email offering a 15% discount on a brand new news magazine called WORLD.
The promotional material I read about it was music to my ears:
"family friendly, conservative, God' world news, etc."
I was so excited at the concept that there would actually be a news magazine written in a Christian perspective, I ordered it immediately. I think I originally ordered a two-year subscription. Suddenly, I panicked thinking, oh my, what if my kids hate this magazine or what if I find out that its goal is to prosthelytize its readers into some protestant teachings contrary to our Catholic faith.
Gulp! What have I done!
Well, all those fears were relieved once the first issue arrived many years ago. Honestly, this magazine is so wonderful, my husband and I can't wait for the kids to be done with it so we can get a peek.
One time, my teenage son was so impressed with an article about the upcoming election, he wrote to the editor and his comment was published! World magazine is one of those "things" that is longed for every time we get the mail. We wish that it came more than every other week.
I believe that H.S.L.D.A. is still offering the discount. Since all OLG members are also members of H.S.L.D.A, you can go to their website and search for it. So if you are looking for a source of world or national news that is christian and family friendly give WORLD magazine a try......your teens will love it......
and you may too.
You can get to HSLDA easily with the HSLDA link on this page under "other helpful sites", and then go to their search box and enter "World Magazine", which will direct you to enter your email and member number. After that, they'll send you an email to invite you to join at the discounted price of $42 for 26 issues a year. I know, I just did this! Thanks Angelle!